The Infinite Phoenix
A cyclical ritual to set goals and to manifest new abilities.
You will need:
- Two pieces of paper
- A pencil or pen
- Fire and a safe place to burn paper

Step One: Welcoming
On one of the pieces of paper, write down all the things you would like the cosmos to bring into your life. Be as specific as you like, and it can be big things or small things. After each one write "... is welcome in my life." You can do this in a column, or you can scatter them creatively around the page. Keep writing them until the page is completely full of good things you want more of in your world.
Step Two: Offering
On the other side of the same piece of paper, write down all the things you can do to help make these dreams a reality. Could you improve some of your skills? Could you practice more gratitude or mindfulness? Be specific, and write it in the present as if it's something you're already doing. It might be as simple as research or asking someone for advice. If one one of your goals is to relax and read more, you might write: "I keep a paperback with me so I can read more in occasional quiet moments." Keep things actionable and positive and upbeat. This is all the things that are within your power to do. Keep writing until the page is completely covered in the things you can do to be ready to receive all the good things. Refer back to what your wrote in step one if you need inspiration!
Step Three: Acceptance
Re-read everything you have written on both sides. Speak it aloud if you can. Visualise the meanings of it all. Circle important words. Doodle and connect the ideas together. Once you have absorbed it all, close your eyes and visualise both sides of the page in your mind. Recall as much as you can, and what is written where.
Step Four: Releasing
Burn the page to ashes. Send it out into the cosmos. Do this in a safe well-ventilated place - perhaps and ash tray. Picture your words and drawings drifting up letter by letter in the smoke out into the universe.

Step Five: From the Ashes
Once the ashes have cooled, tip them onto a sheet of plain paper. You're about to get your fingers messy! Crumble the ashes into a fine powder and use it like chalk or charcoal to draw an infinity sign on the paper. Swirl your hand on the paper slowly and mindfully. Picture everything you wrote as you do it. This infinity sign represents the interconnected of what we would welcome into our lives, and what actions and habits you will be. Keep concentrating on all the things you wrote, and lose yourself in the flow drawing the shape. Breathe deeply and steadily. You will feel the magic in your fingertips.

Step Six: Breath of Life
Once you are happy that the flow has been truly captured in your drawing, blow away any remaining ash and dust outside picturing your wishes flying off into the cosmos.

Step Six: Breath of Life
Once you are happy that the flow has been truly captured in your drawing, blow away any remaining ash and dust outside picturing your wishes flying off into the cosmos.
Step Seven: Daily Meditation
Place your artwork in a place that you can visit daily for the next month. Keep the pencil beside it. As a daily ritual, visit this page and reflect on your wishes, and celebrate any good news that you have had, and reward yourself for the the good habits you have practiced, and give yourself kind gentle encouragement if theres more you can do. To summarise each days visit, use the pencil to add something to your artwork. It might be a single letter, or a doodle that captures the feeling that day, or anything that symbolises your feelings this day.
By adding something to this artwork each day for a month, you will have completed an entire lunar cycle. You will have mindfully channelled your energy towards your goals, and you will have exercised gratitude and self-compassion, and perhaps formed some new constructive habits. You may wish to trace over past drawings to strengthen them. Allow this to be a living work of art.

Step Eight: A New Cycle Begins
At the end of the month, you could repeat this exercise, using this piece of art as your page to begin. This way the magic you have infused into this paper over the month will carry forwards into the following month, and the ash from this page will be drawn onto a new page, starting a new cycle, allowing you to access an upwards spiral of goal-setting and manifestation.
Final Notes:
I would recommend practicing this spell as described before adapting it in other ways or to suit your practice. It is a ritual that was taught to me many years ago, and I don't believe I have changed it significantly in the many years I've been using it and teaching it. Caution must always be exercised whenever there is fire involved. When burning paper, the embers can easily travel on the slightest breeze, and the smoke can be powerful, so exercise extreme caution whenever working with fire.
As with all rituals of this kind, it is best practice to focus on positive actions, and to avoid negativity. Not only because unkind intentions are harmfil to everyone, but also because magick tends not to respond well to negative statements - it is more powerful to wish for more wealth than for less debt. Focus on positivity and set constructive intentions.
Everyone's path is different, but when we share and work together it's all the more rich and fun. Please feel welcome to connect with me, if you would like to, via instagram and the other links you will find on this website.
If you are enjoying your adventure in the magickal arts, please also consider supporting the Oracolarium project here: www.Oracolarium.com
Kindest wishes to you, from Neil